Carrick Street on a quiet afternoon. A number of local residents are heading to the Speakers to attend their MOFs session or pop in for a nice coffee and cake. As they approach the Speakers, a big sigh and raised eyebrows could be observed until recently. Yes, "The Caravan" was still there. Had been there for months. What would happen next?
In March 2018 the caravan suddenly disappeared. Concerned residents considered phoning the council and the police to report the loss of a landmark. What could possibly have happened?
The answer is very simple. The Conservation Area ends just at the corner of Carrick Street where Speakers is located. The caravan (which was at danger of collapsing and seemed to be listing more and more like the Titanic every week) has to be restored and will then be relocated.
A South Ayrshire Council employee who wished to remain anonymous explained the innovative approach:
"This vehicle was in such a delicate state that we had to to take drastic action to prevent loss of such a landmark. As a longterm option I'd say it would be safest if the caravan could be placed in the Speaker's carpark. I can advise you that a concept with future use as a confidential meeting venue for small groups would be very desirable.
Alternative ideas include using the caravan as a barrier on the High Street after completion of the Maybole bypass. Where other towns have typically installed bollards to prevent unwanted vehicle access, we could simply place the caravan across the road. Whether or not this option is feasible will depend on finding at least one more similar vehicle to be placed at the other end of the High Street.
However, first of all restoration needs to be funded. We are looking at obtaining sufficient funds through Participatory Budgeting events or Maybole Regeneration."
Maybole Alternative Facts is sure local powers will resolve this situation with everyone's best interest in mind. We hope to publish an update by 1 April 2019.
BREAKING NEWS: "Maybole Alternative Facts" may have discovered the origins of the caravan!!!
After thorough research we tracked down where the caravan may have come from: it's a small place on the Iberian peninsula. The name gives it away - "ALCARAVAN", could it be more obvious? We are working to establish contact with the managers and once language barriers are sorted out, another caravan may very well be acquired for Maybole!